
Friday, May 26, 2017

Love maps

Love Map
        Who knew such a thing existed? I suppose “map” is a good word, we need a map to navigate our way around our town or another country, why not our spouse? In every marriage there are hills and valleys, highways and byways, mountains and molehills. How well do we know our spouse?
Image may contain: 3 people

I didn’t know this guy very well, even after our daughter was born. We are from two different worlds. I have very involved parents, he doesn’t. I only had one sibling to get along with, he had five. My family is very active in church, his isn’t. We had different concepts about what child rearing was. Over the years, many date nights, family upheavals, and trial later, I would say we are in a much better place. I guess I envy those who don’t have to struggle in their marriage. But. I wonder if they really get along if they don’t have those struggles to help them grow up and close together.
            We have made date night a priority ever since our oldest could babysit. We even considered running to town for a gallon of milk a date. It got us out of the house together to unwind and reconnect. Dates don’t have to be elaborate or expensive. Sometimes we take the dog for a walk, sometimes we go out to dinner and once in a while, to a movie, but it has to be a good one. 😊
            Nurturing love, admiration, and fondness
What does it mean to nurture? Google defines nurture as to “care for and encourage the growth or development of” and “the process of caring for and encouraging the growth or development of something or someone.” Some synonyms are tend, rear, raise, support, foster. When we nurture a relationship, we are tending to that person and their feelings, fostering their growth and love, and caring for them through thick and thin. Letting your significant other know how much you appreciate them and the things that they do for you, or showing your love in a plethora of fun and interesting ways can enhance your relationship. It is when we drop the emotional ball or think we are “good” that things can turn sour.
          We should treat our relationship like that little seedling we just planted.  The more we water it, spend quality time with it, trim back those withering leaves or unsightly branches, we will see it grow into a beautiful being. With a strong root system, our branches will grow tall and sprout with many leaves, flowers and fruit. It will be a sight to behold. But, it takes time, and lots of it. We need to be patient, just like the Lord is with us. Our progress is eternal, and so should be our relationships with our spouse and children.
Image result for seedling

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