
Thursday, June 1, 2017

Links of love

Connections. We make connections every day. Personally, I am connected to my husband, children, son in law, granddaughter, extended family, ward members, specifically young women, co-workers, and the students I work with every day. I am also connected eternally to my son, Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost. The circle of my connections gets larger every day. P.S. I am not even counting all of the idiots on the road, the neighbors I never see, or the cashier lady at 😊Image result for walmart
Image result for chain link

                These connections are what keep us human. Like the links in a chain give each other strength, we have emotional, social, and spiritual links in our lives that need strengthened on a daily basis. How are we doing?
Image result for link larkin
Sorry, not this Link.

 I can’t even imagine not speaking with my kids every day. Or even smiling at the Wal-mart lady. We all have the need of people. Our spouse or significant other is the most important person we should be connecting with. How often do we “turn away” from them? When we are angry, frustrated, hurt, depressed, in a hurry, preoccupied?? The list goes on and on. There is always an excuse. On a side note, my son just asked for help with his online tutor. I could tell his frustration level by the tone in his voice. I happened to get up for a drink of water and could have turned away, ignoring the plea in his voice. I made the choice to put my homework aside for a couple of minutes to see if we could solve the problem together. We did! And with an almost 15-year-old, “thank you, mom”. Is like music to my ears.
                I have been keeping track this week of times I could have turned away from my spouse and then thought better of it. I went and sat with him, went to bed when I really wanted to watch my show, rubbed his shoulders when I knew he was tense, and many others. Being conscious of my actions towards him has got me to thinking, just like smiling 😊 takes less muscles than frowning , why am I not doing more of this. He seems to be more relaxed and willing to help out. He brought me my favorite ice cream bars when he stopped by the store. So, he must be feeling happy. Sometimes I am very observant to his cues, and choose to ignore them. Hey, I have long days too! No judging!! Sometimes I am a little slow on the uptake and sometimes I am right on target! Yay me.

I loved a paragraph in Bro. Goddard’s book. He states that, “When we feel any level of irritation, God is saying, “Hey! Here’s a chance for you to become more like me!” In any miserable relationship, we can remain “a feverish, selfish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy” (George Bernard Shaw) or we can repent and move one step closer to being like Him.” 

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