
Saturday, July 2, 2016

Our lives begin and end with family. Don't know what on earth I would do without them.

L-R: Kenz, Daddy-O, Mamason, Brett, Elder Thompson, Beauman & Morgan
All of us + Kalen. 2014
We were all together that day for Kalen's farewell. Over the last two years, dynamics have changed at our house. 

Makenzie got remarried. 
Kevin is a great guy and they are happy.
And they have a dog named Maggie.
Love birds, Kenz & Kevin

Hoo-rah! My Marine with his Army vet grandparents.

  Beau joined the Marines and   right now is stationed in  Okinawa, Japan. The time  there right now is 5:58 a.m.
Can't believe she is leaving soon, sniff, sniff.
Morgan graduated in May. She is working two jobs, saving her money for her adventure this fall. She is going to Romania to work at an orphanage with the ILP program. 

Jeff, Brett and I will keep on, keeping on. Jeff still works at Lee's, I still work at KHS, I think, and will be taking classes at BYUI and Brett will be in his last year of middle school, keeping us busy with football, basketball, track, baseball and his Eagle project.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016


My dad is a great man. Today he has a bone scan test to see if his prostate cancer has spread to any other places in his body. It could mean surgery, it could mean chemo. He told me if things aren't good he is just going to let nature take its ugly course. He is only 74. In my opinion, way too far young to leave this earthly existence. I am grateful that we have been sealed together as an eternal family. I know that whatever happens I will be able to see my loved ones again someday. Because of Jesus Christ and His atonement, I can repent and live more worthily.